
MAN TGX XXL tipper silo semi-trailer "Klettergarten"

MAN TGX XXL tipper silo semi-trailer Klettergarten
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MAN TGX XXL tipper silo semi-trailer Klettergarten
Manufacturer: Herpa
GTIN/EAN: 4013150121439
Product no.: HER-121439

Products description

MAN TGX XXL tipper silo semi-trailer "Klettergarten"
Released in December 2012
The latest piece of art designed by Knud Tiroch is the brand-new vehicle of the forwarder Silo Melmer from Imst. The vehicle promotes the holiday region Imst with its possibilities to climb. Contrary to the original, on which climbers can practice on the positioned silo, the Boulder grips from the silo bottom were omitted from the all around printed model.
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