In the 'New & Used' category, you will find model kits and models from various manufacturers in different scales. Each item is rated based on its general condition. Further details about the condition can be found in the item description, which is supplemented with images to visually depict the condition of the kit. I recommend reading the item description carefully and looking at the images closely to get an accurate impression of the item's condition.
This rating scale will help you select the ideal model for your needs and budget:
Since the evaluation of used items is subjective, I base the assessment on set criteria such as completeness, visible signs of use, and the general impression of the item to ensure a fair and consistent evaluation. If you are seriously interested, you have the option to make a price inquiry. However, please note that this does not constitute a reservation of the item. The item may therefore be purchased by another customer at the listed price in the meantime.
Used goods are excluded from the return policy, and there is no guarantee or warranty.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to assist you with any questions.